Schools & Park Playground Installation
Our fast and cost effective blow on installation allows for economical Playground Chip installation to any area no matter how inaccessible it may be. Our material is certified IPEMA mulch and is ADA compliant.

Soil, Sand & Aggregate Pumping
AG has the ability to pump Light Weight Soils, Sand and Aggregate up to a distance of 1300 ft. Our hose can be rigged up many stories to reach those hard to reach rooftops, parking structures, planter boxes and elevated garden landscapes. We can even pump beach sand to replenish that eroding beach front. Give us a call for installation details and pricing.
Commercial Installation
AG Blower Truck Service is fast and efficient allowing us to install large amount of material per day with one truck. With the ability to blow up to 1000 ft, we are able to install the material in all the hard to reach areas. Due to this reach of our specialized equipment, we can install material from road-side or remote areas minimizing the need for larger equipment on the property.

Municipality Installation
Safety is key in all jobsites but especially areas with traffic control. Highly trained operators abide by the strict rules and regulation of all private, city or state projects. A team of two can work remotely from the street without stopping traffic while our equipment applies a large amount of product quickly so that we get the job done fast. We focus our installation precisely from key locations, tackling tasks other contractors can’t handle due to equipment accessibility.
Rooftop Installation
With rooftop projects, we have the ability to run 2 hose up to 1300 ft. with a vertical of multiple stories. AG Blower Truck Services has the ability to install Mulch, Compost and Lightweight Soil on most roof tops, parking structures, podium planter boxes and elevated garden landscapes. If we cannot do it, it can’t be done. Supersack material delivery is also available for crane installation.

Residential Installation
AG Blower Truck Services offers a simple and easy way to finish off your DIY landscape projects quicker with less mess and damage to freshly planted plants and trees.  We make and install only Arborist trimming mulch that contain “NO” curbside waste eliminating harmful contaminants that can be harmful to your plants. Before you know it we have installed, cleaned up and the job is done. We do limit residential installs to large open area such as slopes, tree groves and wide open areas only. Minimum requirements of 60 cubic yards of material.